World-renowned choreographer Akram Khan returns to his roots and delves into his past in his latest creation, Gigenis: The generation of the...
As a dancer or teacher, you will know from experience that there will always be a place for live teaching, and yet,...
Stopgap Dance Company has announced not one but two premieres of its new production, Lived Fiction, in 2024. Lived Fiction is the...
The esteemed Akram Khan Company (AKC) is set to rejoin forces with the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance for the...
Neon Dance integrates technology and design with the body to create work across live performance, digital performance, film and installation. “Embedding technology and design into the heart of...
Following on the popular success of its latest production, Peaky Blinders: The Redemption of Thomas Shelby, which saw audiences in excess of...
What does it take to be a dancer? There are countless factors at play, but we believe that no matter where we...
Leading children’s disability charity Children Today Charitable Trust is hosting a star-studded fundraising birthday gala with celebrated figures from the world of...
The BA (Hons) International Contemporary Dance Practices is a ground-breaking collaboration between two prestigious international dance institutions, offering a unique and immersive...
CYD? is the largest touring and industry-leading dance convention company. Led by Matt Flint, co-creator of Can You Dance? Live, and Tom Shilcock, co-founder...